Wednesday, December 4, 2013

'New' iPad purchased from Target came loaded with past owner's private data

A “new” iPad Air purchased from Target over Black Friday turned out to be a used unit as the new owner found her predecessor’s contacts, photos and calendar appointments on it.

Major retailers announced their Black Friday promotions last week, offering some of the best selling products at a significant discount. Robin Crowley, who lives in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, research all Black Friday deals and made up her mind to purchase a new iPad Air from Target. After purchasing the unit, she opened the sealed box and powered the unit on. The iPad Air didn’t show the setup screen that one would normally see when starting a new device for the first time. Instead she was taken to the homescreen that already had three pages full of apps clearly installed by a previous owner.

Furthermore, Robin discovered that there were photos of the previous owner’s friends and family on the iPad Air. She also found out that entries in the calendar were filled out.*The address book contained contact information of 207 people.*Robin was able to judge that the woman who had owned this particular iPad Air before lived in California, it wouldn’t have been that hard to figure out considering the sheer size of the private data available on the device.

Target hasn’t explained how a clearly used iPad Air unit ended up in a sealed box and was sold as a new unit in Canada. As for Robin, she said she would take the unit back to Target and try to get a replacement. Hopefully Target will wipe the unit, such private data in wrong hands can cause a lot of trouble.

Source: CTV

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