Wednesday, December 4, 2013

iOS 7 adoption reaches 74.1 percent

Merely a few months after its public release, iOS 7 now powers 74.1 percent of all iOS devices in North America.

Apple first unveiled iOS 7 back at WWDC 2013. It is truly the company’s greatest iOS update ever, given the fact that it brings an improved feature set and a completely redesigned user interface. After spending a few months in beta stage, iOS 7 was publicly released in September.*Initial adoption rates were quite high. Within a week, iOS 7 adoption reached 52 percent. Since then, adoption has steadily been growing and according to latest figures released by Chitika, 74.1 percent of all iOS devices in North America are now running the latest iteration.

Adoption of iOS 7 has been significantly faster as opposed to iOS 6, which was released last year. iOS 6 adoption reached 83 percent nearly six months after its release whereas iOS 7 has roughly taken three months to reach 74.1 percent. It goes without saying that iOS 7 will easily be able to break its predecessor’s adoption record in the very near future.

A major reason why iOS 7 adoption rate is so high is because the update brings a number of very radical changes. The user interface has completely been revamped, its nothing like what iOS users have been accustomed to over the past few years. Which is why users have one big reason to update, to try out the new user interface. Moreover, the new feature set brings features that users had requested for quite some time now, thus providing yet another incentive to jump on the update as soon as it became available.

Source: Chitika

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