AOL is putting an end to the llama ass-whipping media player known as Winamp.*
Hate it or love it, the media player known as Winamp has always been a big part of digital entertainment.* As far as nostalgia go, Winamp—although not the greatest tool ever—will continue to live on as one of the most well-known (iconic even) media player at the turn of the millennium.
Back in 2002, around the time when Winamp was truly a dominant force, AOL acquired Nullsoft, the company responsible for its development, for some $80 million in stock.* All this is coming to an end, however, as the company has announced that it will cease development of Winamp starting December 21.
No reasons were given as to why Winamp will no longer be in development, but one can speculate that its steady decline in popularity had something to do with it.
“ and associated web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013. Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download. Please download the latest version before that date. See release notes for latest improvements to this last release. Thanks for supporting the Winamp community for over 15 years.”
It’s a bit sad to hear such news if you’re a long-time user.* So here’s a toast to Winamp and all its llama ass-whipping over the years.
“Winamp, it really whips the llama’s ass.”
Source: Winamp
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