Wednesday, December 18, 2013

NSA surveillance curbs recommended by White House task force

A White House task force has made the striking recommendation this month that the NSA’s expansive electronic surveillance programs be subject to significant curbs.

In a White House commissioned review, a five-member panel of experts created by President Barack Obama outlined a total of 46 recommendations that, if implemented, would see the boundless surveillance operations of the United States’ National Security Agency, significantly repressed. The publication of the review was brought forward as rumors about its contents had begun to circulate.

Among their recommendations is the counsel that the agency cease the storage of the vast amount of telephone call data processed by American telecommunications companies. Additionally, in an act that will likely be welcomed in Silicon Valley, the panel urged the NSA to stop its attempts to break into the private, encrypted communications of the users of technology companies.

President Obama met with the task force on December 18th to discuss the findings of their review and will formally announce those which he intends to implement in the new year.

This latest review comes after months of embarrassing revelations of the extent of the NSA’s domestic and international surveillance programs, and its recommendations will be undoubtedly greeted by forthright privacy-advocates and average Joes alike.

Sources:*the Telegraph , BBC

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