The holiday season is about giving and cheer. But if one can afford it, it’s probably the time to splurge on expensive and luxurious things. Here are a few gadgets and items worth a second look.

The festive period is a stressful time for most people, especially with the mad rush to tie up any loose ends at work and a seemingly endless amount of social events. And we haven’t even mentioned the shopping yet. Aside from buying gifts for loved ones, there are also colleagues from work and friends from the neighborhood you would want to give gifts to. Household bills are generally on the up, too, with all the Christmas lights and the colder weather — it’s certainly not a cheap month.
But what if money was no object and you could spend like a rock star? Heck, you could probably pay somebody else to do it all for you. Let’s take a look at some of the most luxurious products on the market. Would your family like any of these gifts, or are they aimed at folk with more money than sense? Check out our list that could easily give poor old Santa a heart attack.
Top of the Range Tipple

So Grandad always seems fairly pleased with the bottle of Glenfiddich you get him each year. But how would he react to unwrap The Dalmore Paterson Whisky Collection, which features 12 personally engraved decanters, all displayed in a bespoke cabinet? You also get a tailored ledger written by Richard Paterson himself – a snip at $1.6 million. It would almost certainly place you higher up the rankings on Grandad’s will, that’s for sure.
Luxury pad or iPad?

A standard iPad is considered a luxury by most mere mortals, but how about one that costs $8.2 *million? They say you get what you pay for, and this gaudy gadget features a diamond-set Apple logo, casing made from rare rock and shavings from a T-Rex’s thigh bone. You wouldn’t want to leave this on the train now would you? Only two such iPads exist, however, and unless you have a few spare millions lying in a Swiss bank account somewhere, you might want to settle for one of Stuart Hughes’ lesser models made of platinum or gold, that cost a few hundred thousands dollars or so.
Burning Money

So you’ve heard your Auntie wants to give up smoking in the New Year. After all, not only is it bad for her, but it’s also an expensive habit. How about an e-cigarette that costs $900,000? A Russian businessman commissioned the vaping tool, which took four months to construct, and consists of hand-blown Italian glass, 46 Swarovski crystals, $46,000 diamond and 24 carat gold button and clearomiser base. Some might say this defeats the whole purpose of e-cigs, but each to their own.
Flush with Cash

If your Dad likes to read the daily paper on the toilet, why not have him do it in style? For just $6,400, treat him to a Kohler Numi Toilet System, which comes with a touch screen interface, smart bidet and heated seat. It’s unlikely your mother will ever see him again — why would he ever need to surface from the bathroom with this luxurious loo to enjoy?
Being gadget lovers, readers would probably settle for the $10,000 gold-plated Xbox One that VR Zone featured earlier. But if money is not an object, then these items of style are likely to be an ideal addition to luxurious gadget collections.
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