A guide with instructions on unlocking Xbox 360 backwards compatibility on the Xbox One was published on the web, but as some unlucky users found out, the guide simply bricked Microsoft’s next-gen console.
The guide lists six steps that include accessing the developer console for unlocking compatibility, but as expected, the instructions do nothing towards that end; instead, they render an Xbox One useless and cause it to reboot continuously.*Microsoft’s Larry Hryb (Major Nelson)*took to Twitter*on Friday to warn gamers against trying out the guide and reaffirmed that the Xbox One is simply not compatible with Xbox 360 games, but it is likely the warning came too late for a considerable number of people who stumbled across the cruel prank.
Microsoft hasn’t given an official statement on the matter, so there’s no knowing if the Redmond company will replace bricked units and/or issue an update that disables the hack. Usually, one wouldn’t expect them to entertain warranty requests in such circumstances, but maybe Microsoft will be more lenient considering they made the developer mode so easily accessible on its new console. Well, that’s what we hope, anyway.
Here are the instructions that were posted (warning: do not try them.)

Via: The Verge | Source: Neogaf
Read More: http://vr-zone.com/articles/fake-xbo...les/66292.html
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