Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Movie studios drop $200 million dollar lawsuit againt Limewire

Six movie and television studios have suddenly dropped their multi-million dollar lawsuit against defunct file-sharing software Limewire after several months in court.

A few years back, Limewire was one of the most popular pieces of software in the world, installed on nearly one in five computers. However, when the RIAA sued them in 2010, the company was forced to cease its operations. A federal court judge had granted an injunction in favor of the RIAA, stating that Limewire “intentionally encouraged infringement.” The RIAA then went on to sue for damages and won $150 million, a record breaking number.

Following RIAA’s success, Twentieth Century Fox, Viacom, Comedy Partners, Disney, Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros. launched their own lawsuit, hoping to win damages for 2000 titles they say have had their copyrights infringed. They asked for a ruling in their favor, stating they were concerned that Limewire’s creator might produce similar software in the future and continue infringing.

The case was at a stalemate for several months, until the studios suddenly dropped the lawsuit last week. It isn’t clear exactly why they dropped the suit, but one can assume the prolonged court battle was proving too expensive and resource consuming for them.


Limewire’s troubles don’t end there however: An independent music publisher, Microhits, filed for a multi million dollar lawsuit with the company last month. In this case however, Limewire isn’t the only one in the fight; Microhits has been going after several defunct file-sharing services and sued Megaupload last year. The Megaupload case is still pending.

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